13 top tips on how to retain your best employees

13 top tips on how to retain your best employees:

  1. Selecting the right people in the first place through behaviour-based testing and competency screening will pay off in the long term. The right person, in the right seat, on the right bus is the starting point.
  2. Offer an attractive, competitive, benefits package, for example child care vouchers, career breaks, employee assistance programmes, dental insurance and flexible hours.
  3. Give employees the opportunity to share their knowledge through training sessions, presentations, mentoring others and assignments.
  4. Be a role model and always respect employees. Listen to them intently; use their ideas; never ridiculing or shaming them.
  5. Offer performance feedback and praise good efforts and results.
  6. Make work enjoyable by using individual’s special talents.
  7. Enable employees to balance work and life. Allow flexible starting times, core business hours and flexible ending times.
  8. Involve employees in decisions that affect their jobs and the overall direction of the company whenever possible.
  9. Recognise and celebrate success. Mark their passage as important goals are achieved.
  10. Ensure you have enough staff, so overtime is minimised for those who don't want it and employees don't wear themselves out.
  11. Provide opportunities within the company for cross-training and career progression. Employees like to know that they have room for career movement.
  12. Provide the opportunity for career and personal growth through training and education, challenging assignments etc.
  13. Communicate goals, roles, and responsibilities so employees know what is expected and feel that their contribution is valued.
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