Coronavirus FAQs: 27th March 2020 

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In light of the Government updates, please see below a summary of the government provision in the current evolving situation.  If you would like to discuss any points further, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Can I furlough a Director? 

The government has now announced that Directors are eligible for furlough if they are paid via PAYE. The 80% does not cover dividends and the same £2,500 cap applies.


Can I furlough an essential worker?

You can only furlough a worker who would have otherwise been made redundant if you hadn’t furloughed them.


I have a new starter soon and I don’t know what to do- what are my options?

The current advice seems to suggest you can’t furlough.  You have options to either delay their start date or withdraw the offer of employment.


I have an employee off sick- can I furlough them?

Yes, once their period of sickness has ended.


I have an employee on maternity leave- can I furlough them?

Yes, once their maternity leave has ended and they are subject to the normal notice provisions to end their maternity leave and return to work.


Can I top-up my furloughed employee’s wages so they’re receiving 100% pay on a temporary basis?

Yes- up to 20% can be provided.  We advise companies do this where they can afford to do so.  If you wish to do this on a temporary basis, this should be confirmed in writing, so staff know what to expect in their pay each month.


Can a furloughed employee undertake unpaid/voluntary work?

Yes- as long as they don’t take part in anything that can yield revenue for your company. There is no provision for employers to refuse employee volunteer leave, however staff employed by businesses with fewer than ten staff will not be able to apply.


Can I make my employees redundant while on furlough?

They must be furloughed for at least three weeks’; you cannot do any work, but you can volunteer or train. The minimum amount of time you can furlough for is three weeks.

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